The food pantry is open to all members and the public.

We encourage members to shop in the food pantry. The inventory varies based on the donations we receive. Some days, there’s fresh bread, cookies, rolls, salads, and always non-perishable foods.
Please consider donating these items:
- canned fruits, vegetables, dried fruits
- canned fish or meat
- canned or packaged soups
- rice, pasta, cereal
- peanut butter
- mayonnaise
- crackers
- baking supplies- flour, sugar, oil, nuts
- baking mixes
Pantry Details
- Located in the Lower Level
- Hours the Food Pantry is open:
– 2-4 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday
– 10-11:30 am Tuesday & Thursday
– 11:30 am-12:30 pm Saturday
– CLOSED on Sunday - Call 507-287-1404 to make sure we have volunteers to open the pantry.
- No income requirements
- Open to all Members and the public, targeting older adults
- Food donated by members, friends, and local businesses